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Leon Hady understands why a ‘hands-on approach’ to parenting is always best.

Writer's picture: Guide EducationGuide Education

KATE MIDDLETON married Prince William nine years ago and the couple now have three children together. An expert has commented on therparenting technique

The family split their time between their Norfolk residence, Anner Hall and their official home, Kensington Palace.

They spent the first UK lockdown in the country retreat before returning to London for the children's schooling.

The cambridge were recently seen out as a family of five as they attended a special pantomime performance at the London Palladium.

Kate can be seen walking down the red carpet holding Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis hands while William is holding George's on the other side.

Showing affection in public is unusual for members of the Royal Family who usually have to follow certain protocol when it comes to parenting.

Leon Hady of Guide EDucation, exclusively told the royal parents use a"hands on approach" to parenting.

The expert explained: "Much praise is drawn to Kate and William's modern parenting of their children and it's often noted that they are breaking with tradition.

"While it;s easy to see that, save Royal privileges and responsibilities aside, thiers is a far more hands on approach in their parenting, but this could be down to far simpler reasons than a conscious attempt to break with tradition; it could be simply a result of them being parents in the time in which they live and technology found they're in.

"Technology breakthroughs always aim to solve similar problems: save time and money while bettering outcome-and that could be a large reason why Kate and WIlliam are able to reduce the need for large swathes of staff to support their family unit.

Traditionally parents in the Royal Family have a team who look after the children but Kate and William have one nanny who can often be seen with the royal children.

Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo was trained at one of the most prestigious colleges in the UK and was hired shortly after Prince GEorge was born.

Leon added: "Online calendar arrangements, online tutors and of course online ordering make it much easier for people to connect with their needs rather than connecting through third parties, and the Royals would be no different.

"Has the need for an army of nannied and personal shoppers been taken away through sich Amazon and First Tutors and other such instances?"

“A more telling view on why the younger royals may be assumed to be breaking with tradition could be more to do with unconscious psychology of the mother.

"With development research which showing the average person has almost 50 percent of their personality affirmed and by the age of seve, it could be that Kate, who didn't come from a royal background, may well have absorbed her lessons of childbearing from her young experience, and they are embedded as her expectation, which would not be that is typical of royals"

Early years education is a passionate topic for Kate and she will regularly speak on how important it is to guide children when they are young.

Her recent campaign, 5 Big Questions, asked the British public what they thought on early years education.

Kate has also been seen meeting parents throughout the pandemic including her visit back in september which saw the Duchess showing support for groups and volunteers who have been supporting families' wellbeing during the coronavirus crisis.

THe expert added: "SInce the mother (in most cases and in most cultures) is the primary caregiver, she would lead the raising and organising of the raising of her children in a way she knows best.

"She is doing what she knew worked for her, which didn't the excess staff normally associated with royal upbringings."

Prince WIlliam can also be seen helping out with the children and will often show displays of affection towards them in public such as holding their hands.

Leon went on: "People in general do 'what they know' and Kate is most likely following the loving example set within her own family rather than conscious 'break for norms' all the while aided by technological transformation of our modern lives"


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